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Additional Listing Package Features

In addition to listing your business in our directory, you will be able to create and post Classifieds Ads, where you can buy, sell, and trade goods, or, search or post employment opportunities. You can also post to the My Web Design Classifieds Official Blog, and, even schedule Events on your own Events Calendar. PLUS, you get real-time Web Analytics Tools, and, clients or customers can post Business Reviews, and, even Rate Your Services or Goods - all right from your business listing page.

Upgrade your Listing for only $50.00 or 99.00 USD annually. Get the ability to be listed as a featured business, and your listing will also appear FIRST within search results!

Also, with a Featured or Full-Featured Listing, you gain the ability to list your business in up to fifty (50) categories, and in up to one hundred (100) locations in the USA!

Your business listing page is like a mini-website - it is completely customizable - it includes tools to add textual content, logos, banners, images, documents, and it also allows users to download documents and other content directly from your business listing page!

All Members gain access to the My Web Design Classifieds User Forum.

Please click or tap on Get Started Today for more information about our Business Listing Plans.

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